Fellowship Inductees
Barbara Adams

Barbara Adams has been an active member of SCACC clubs since 1961 and is currently a member of Photo Arts Camera Club and Showmasters. Most of us know her as a teacher, and many of us have attended her classes at one time or another, until she retired this past year to devote her time to traveling. While she conducted her classes, she encouraged her students to become active in camera clubs, and has probably recruited more members than anyone.
Barbara judges throughout the county, has given shows of her travels, and supports projects that are conducted under the auspices of SCACC. She scores and judges for interclub, as well as for international salons. This year she is again chairman of the Photo -Travel division for the 1989 Dr. Scott Watson Salon, and has taken the responsibility for the chairmanship of Photo-Travel for the 1990 Southwest International.
Barbara, the members of this Association appreciates your many contributions to help keep us growing.
Ann Beinert

Shortly after arriving in San Diego, Ann Beinert became a member of the San Diego Camera Club, now defunct, and subsequently joined the Lens Art Camera Club as well as being a charter member of the Daytime Camera Club. In 1979, she became a Showmaster, and has since actively participated in creating slide shows and helping with the critiquing for others to sharpen their skills. Ann works with her husband, Bill, in creating patriotic, historical, educational and travel shows, with 335 showings in our community. They draw from their many years in the diplomatic service, taking pictures as they traveled, and have drawn hundreds of people to their 16 major showings at the Polak Auditorium as well as answering the needs for nursing homes, senior groups, and schools.
Ann is deeply involved with many other organizations, but ask her to help, and she will be there. Many of her res pons ibili ties carry no title, but the job gets done quietly. She keeps our calendar current, buys supplies for the building, makes signs, and is always there to help instruct other club members in the skills of slide show creation and presentation. She said "No!" to accepting the nominations for the Lens Art Club this year, but when the need was pointed out, she acquiesced, and is currently serving as their president.
Besides making arrangements for club banquets, Ann was general chairman of the Scott Watson Salon and Banquet, and at the conclusion of those responsibilities, drew up guidelines for those who followed her. They are still being used-and gratefully.
It is an privilege for all members of SCACC Clubs to honor this lady, and say, Thanks for helping make it all work for the benefit of everyone of us
William G. Beinert

Bill Beinert has been a member of SCACC affiliated clubs for 17 years, and has taken an active role in the responsibilities of his clubs as well as the SCACC organization. Bill was a member of the San Diego Camera Club until it became defunct, and is currently involved in the Lens Art Camera Club, Showmasters and Daytime Camera Club, for which he has been its treasurer since its first dues were paid. His background as an accountant has helped us as he keeps our books.
Bill, like his wife, Ann, is always there to do what is needed, such as interclub chairman, division chairman for Scott Watson, and holding office in every club to which he has belonged.
Who among our members has not seen at least one of Bill and Ann's shows? While he was transferred around the globe for the diplomatic service, his camera was clicking, and it still is. However, he gets his slides organized into polished shows, making presentations regularly at the Polak Auditorium, as well as for groups throughout the community. Bill and Ann have presented 335 shows throughout our area, with subjects as varied as patriotism, history, and travel. He readily instructs others in the skills he has learned, and participates bimonthly in helping other Showmasters develop their productions.Bill has been the SCACC Treasurer for the past four years, keeping city leases, insurance, and our budget in order.
We need members like this man, and are proud to have this opportunity to say "Thanks, Bill," for your many years of constant service.
Marguerite Elliott

Marguerite Elliott is known far and wide for her willingness to help the photographic community in every way possible. She joined Showmasters in 1967, and currently serving as its president. She puts together shows, along with her sister Maude, and lets us share in their many travels, by giving us polished, sensitive programs.
Marguerite makes a practice of serving in the ultimate responsibility of taking on chairmanships, as she has often done for Scott Watson, for Thursday Morning Workshop, and has chaired divisions for this Salon, as well has the Southwest International.
Attend a PSA Chapter meeting, and you will see Marguerite at the dais, bringing us valuable programs to help improve and enjoy our photography. She and Maude have given shows for the local chapter, Los Angeles, and the Seattle International PSA Convention.
For many years Marguerite has been a delegate on the SCACC board, and her willingness to help in so many capacities has been appreciated by all of us.
Wayne Grayson

Wayne Grayson' s mem -bership in camera clubs predates our residence of the Photo Arts Building in Balboa Park and he is now a member of Photo Arts, Photo Naturalists, and Lens Art.
Wayne, too, is a judge who willingly travels anywhere in the county to judge, and judges at least one club every month. He has provided us with many printed materials, has offered his props such as screens, and projection equipment. He publishes the Gaz-Att for the Photo Arts Camera Club. He is often called upon by out-of-town clubs to participate in the judging of their year-end competitions.
At one time SCACC was headed by Wayne when he was its president, and he has acted as its vice-president, as well. Leadership seems to be his style, since he helped form the Carlsbad Camera Club, chaired and organized the Photorama in the '60' s, and helped establish the PSA Chapter for our area plus serving as its president for six years. For many years he sponsored the Ear le Beebee Memorial Award for best con temporary slide in the LDr. Scott Watson Salon. In 1989-90 he will chair the Interclub competitions.
We have often turned to you for help, Wayne, and we appreciate your responding to our needs
Sid Laverents

Sid Laverents has been a member of the San Diego Ama teur Makers for 25 years, and has been a moving force in that club in promoting and enhancing the art form of movie photography. He has been president of his club, as well as holding all other offices. His movies have won many honors in national and international competitions. He has guided new members to help them develop their talents in movie making. His work has been recognized by PSA when they awarded him a certificate of commendation this past year.
Sid is a recognized judge for movies, and was one of the judges for this 1989 Scott Watson competition, and he has filled this responsibility many times in the past. If it weren't or Sid, we would not have an installed sound system in the Photo Arts Building, and he has worked with us to modernize it.
We appreciate Sid's continuous nurturing of the movie division for SCACC.
Dr. Paul Kovach

Dr. Paul Kovach is a member of the Vista and Fallbrook Camera Clubs, and has been for many years. His contributions to his clubs are constant and informative. He has assumed the presidency several times, and dispersed articles and hints to his clubs and to other interested photographers. He has also demonstrated the techniques of composition to many area clubs. For several years he has provided the Best Composition Award for the Vista and Fallbrook clubs, and awarded handmade clocks, which he personally crafts.
Dr. Kovach has supported PSA by being an area representative,and has given programs to the local chapter, as well as outside organizations in the area. He shared his knowledge of photography by judging and if you go to any photo activity, you will find him in attendance. He has won many awards with his fine photography, but unassumingly, does not give out much information about them.
Dr. Kovach, for many years you have been an asset to SCACC, and we appreciate the insights you have shown us.
Howard Lewis, FPSA

If you have met Howard Lewis, FPSA, you will know that his great love is photographing in the movie medium, and he has worked diligently on the local, county, and international level to keep the movie divisions alive. His love of movies dates back to 1938, but he didn't join a club until 1971 when he became a member of the La Mesa Movie Makers. He was a staunch supporter of the club, and of SCACC to which it belonged.
Howard attends most all of the PSA conventions, and is currently its Movie Chairman and he has served that organization in so many different capacities. However, he hasn't bypassed jobs on the local level when he was called upon to help. He has shown his movies throughout the county, has lee tu red, judged, and was president of SCACC from 1982 to 1984. He was editor of Photo Flash for many years. Howard was instrumental in having SCACC participate in "Pictures in the Park", and from that we evolved to our "Tops in Color".
Howard and service are synonymous, and for that we thank him.
Bruce Mason

Distances do not seem to daunt Bruce Mason, because he travels back and forth across this county to help wherever he is asked. Even with a full time job, he finds time to take on the responsibility of heavy duties, such as chairman of the color division of the Southwest International Salon, which he did last year, and will do so again in 1990. In 1982, he was Nature Chairman. He has held club offices in almost all capacities.
Bruce frequently backpacks into his beloved Sierras, and we can vicariously enjoy the beautiful nature experience by sitting back and watching his slide shows. His photography of that area has helped him to earn four stars in PSA color and five in the Nature Division.
Distance has not kept Bruce from working on SCACC projects by being past banquet chairman, and he is a popular judge for all the clubs. Listen to Bruce and you will hear how to improve your pictures. He joined Bert and Margaret Kraght of Glendora to judge this 1989 Dr. Scott Watson competition, and was quick to give a positive response when asked to do so.
We need the help and support of this energetic man, and Bruce, let us extend our thanks for so willingly sharing your time and knowledge with us.
Harold Najarian

You see the man with the western hat, moustache, and ready smile, and you can bet it will be Harold Najarian. He is a member of the Vista and Carlsbad Camera Clubs, but he belongs to all of us by his very willingness to help in whatever way he is asked.
Harold's art background makes him a knowledgeable judge with sound and informative critiques, as every club will avow, because he has judged for all of them time and time again. He gives his ins true tions on manipulation of slides, and allowed us to give him as a prize for our 1988 picnic -an enviable prize to be sure.
Harold has held all the offices possible in his clubs, has readily served on committees, conducted field trips, and won many, many of the "Best" slides in the various divisions of Scott Watson in past years. He has taken °Best Color" twice, "Best Contemporary• four times, and "Best People" He has four Galaxies in PSA color and is still entering. He also attained Associate Membership in the Los Angeles S4C.
Harold, we admire your work and are very grateful to you for graciously sharing your techniques with us.
Albert Sadler, FPSA

Albert Sadler, FPSA, dates his photography expertise back forty years, when he joined clubs and PSA in the East, but for many years Al has lived in our area, and is a ceaseless worker. He keeps an active membership in the Rancho Bernardo Club, where he has been Vice President for the past six years, and is a past president of that club. He also belongs to Thursday Morning Workshop and Daytime Camera Club, and if he isn't in attendance, he is probably traveling.
This man is a tireless worker, never turning down a request to judge, which he does throughout the county, as well as help others become judges through his tutelage. He helped conduct the judging seminar held bv SCACC and had an article published in the PSA Journal about the values of the seminar. Ask Al to give a How-to show, and he will ask "What date?" He gives demonstrations for clubs, PSA, or classes. Last year he was one of the picnic "prizes", and conducted an excellent demonstration and shoot on table-top photography for the four who "won" him. He has agreed to be raffled off again this year.
This man's time has been taken up by the wider scope of the organizations as well, when he has chaired committees·on the international level of PSA, helped start the PSA Chapter for San Diego County, and was its first chairman. He has judged for year-end competitions for clubs up and down the coast, has had 32 articles published in the PSA Journal, and is a 5 star exhibitor in both PSA' s Nature and Color. However, for the past eight years he has devoted his time to San Diego County and our SCACC clubs.
Al, we are thankful you have found time to share your knowledge with us, and grateful that you have given it so willingly
Alice K. Taylor, APSA

Alice K. Taylor, APSA, joined the La Mesa Camera Club in 1956. That club is now defunct, but along the way she had also become a member of the Photo Naturalists, and Showmasters. She carries more than her share of the burden in all her clubs, by holding all the offices and readily serving on committees.
Alice has long been a staunch supporter of our Southwest International, has been division chairman for Nature and Color, and just this past year served as a Nature judge for that Salon. Besides being an international judge, she has served all the clubs by judging for them, and who among us has not seen a nature show or a how-to demonstration by this very talented lady? She is considered to be one of our top authorities in Nature Photography.
In 1988 Alice quickly agreed to let us "give her away" at our First Annual Picnic, and conducted a shoot in close-up flower photography for the four who "won" her. She has agreed to let us utilize her expertise again for our forthcoming picnic.
This is a lady for all seasons. PSA honored her by naming her an Associate, and Alice, we also recognize your many contributions to SCACC and take this opportunity to offer our thanks.
Mary Van Nostrand

Mary's interest in the Arts is far broader than photography, since she studied and taught art. She brings this talent to her photographic creations and judgings.
After watching her husband "Van" working with his camera, she studied at UCSD and pursued photography seriously on her own, and in many ways has been a contributor to the SCACC cornmunity. Mary began judging in the early '70's, and has included in her work, judging for year-end competitions for many clubs, as well as responding to the monthly calls to evaluate slides and prints, locally.
Showmasters lured her into their membership, and for years she has produced polished shows with "Van" as well as on her own, and often with the thought of teaching others through this method. Jointly, they have presented shows to literally thousands of people.
Nature subjects are a great love for Mary, and she has traveled worldwide to capture shots of wildlife. This has led to her successes in Travel competitions, as well, and she is multi-starred in FSA' s Travel, Color, and Nature.
Ask Mary to perform a task, and you will have a willing worker, be it organizing the hospitality committee for San Diego's Regional PSA Convention, judging for a club, sharing her techniques, or giving a show. Her club memberships include Poly Photo Club, Daytime Camera Club, Photo Naturalists, and Showmasters.
Thanks Mary, for helping all of us to be a better photographers.
Richard Van Nostrand

Say "Van" and everyone in the SCACC organization knows of whom you speak. R. Van Nostrand does it all. He is there to present shows developed to a perfection, will judge whenever asked, and shares his talents with everyone in the association
While working as a mail carrier, Van moonlighted by photographing fishermen coming in with their catch, and was the only Zoo Photographer they had at that time. (It took several people to replace him when he retired.) To fill his spare time, he also took weddings and other commercial photography.
Van learned his craft well, and we have all benefitted from it. He has traveled and photographed the world over, usually conducting the tours himself, with his wife, Mary's, help. These experiences have been worked in to shows that have entertained countless numbers of people, and he has gone great distances to present his work. He is vastly interested and learned in nature subjects, and his photography of wildlife is a delight.
Van joined the Showmasters to help improve his skills in putting together slide shows, and now passes his technique and expertise on to those who are doing the same. He also belongs to Poly Photo Club, and the Photo Naturalists, has held presidencies, and often holds workshops to teach, not only his own club members, but others who are interested, as well.
R. Van Nostrand is on every club's list to judge, and he has served clubs, SCACC Interclub, and PSA Internationals in this capacity.
This is a man of boundless interests and energy, and Van, we thank you for letting all this talent help each of us improve.
Wardene Weisser

If you want a clarification of whether a photo is an authentic nature slide, you might be well-advised to go to Wardene Weisser. She believes so strongly in her first love of nature that she helped create the Photo Naturalists Camera Club. Wardene has been judging since 1957, and this includes many international salons. All of our clubs have enjoyed her critiquing and frequently call upon her to accommodate us by giving her time.
Wardene lives in a rural area, giving her the opportunity to observe all levels of life in its natural state, and has successfully photographed all of it. She and has had many of her photos published in prestigious publications, including National Geographic, and the Audubon Guide Books She has created nature shows to give to our SCACC clubs, Sierra Clubs, the Audubon Society, and PSA conventions of all levels. She is a five star Nature exhibitor.
Wardene, we appreciate and cherish the talents you have shared with us.
Gerry Weland

Gerry Weland is a member of both the Carlsbad Camera Club, and the Vista Camera Club, but he is known throughout all the county clubs. Gerry has judged for all the clubs, as well as many international salons, and shared his marvelous expertise in photographing flowers by many times giving shows on the subject. This he has shared with clubs outside our organization, such as senior organizations, and specialty clubs. You will see his name in every salon catalog as he progresses in his multiple galaxies.
When a photographer knowledgeable in Nature was needed, Gerry was called upon to be the division chairman for the Southwest International in 1982, and was a color division judge for that salon in 1988. He kept his club of Carlsbad active in the Interclub competition by being their chairman for six years.
Gerry conducts field trips, holds whatever office is needed in his clubs, and promotes photography and the work of the clubs and SCACC at all times.
We thank you Gerry.
Bill Winterbourne

Bill Winterbourne came to our area as a personnel manager with our County government, and SCACC members have since reaped the benefits of his leadership ability.
Bill is a member, and past president, of Lens Art Camera Club and started the Daytime Camera Club. Both clubs have flourished with his presidencies and activities on committees. The expression of "'Let George do it," has been modified in SCACC to "'Let Bill W. do it." He has also been treasurer of the Southwest International held here in 1988, and will efficiently perform that responsibility again in 1990.
Bill took over the reins of the SCACC board, and vowed to make it a vital, vigorous organization, and did just that. He made it a council of presidents, so that the respon -sibility of the vote for each club would come with the delegate, and it has worked well. He has single-handedly resurrected the Photo Flash, the SCACC newsletter, and is currently its editor.
Now, he has given us another boost by starting two new clubs: The Photo Phanatics, mostly devoted to darkroom activity, and the Foto Learners, who want to do just that. Both clubs appear eager, and show great promise. We welcome them, and salute Bill Winterbourne for having this fine talent to lead, to photograph with expertise, and to teach, thereby sharing his techniques of the art.
David Butz

David became a member of SCACC when he joined the Photo Arts Camera Club in 1973, where he frequently has held office. He rapidly increased his photographic talents and began judging in 1974 for clubs, interclub, and internationals...
David's instructional programs include zoo photography, night photography, composition, use of flash, photography of people and close-ups.. He lectures on basic camera techniques at SCACC-sponsored seminars, and instructed at our judging seminars. He was a "prize" at the 1988 SCACC picnic for which he demonstrated portrait lighting techniques.
David has chaired various divisions of the Scott-Watson Salon, has judged the Southwest International Salon and, in 1988, was chairman of its Photojournalism Division. He is involved as a worker and participant in the interclub competition and in the 1989-90 season was the judges chairman.
Many of us have enjoyed and learned from the variety of articles he has published as a feature writer in Western Photographer magazine. Since 1976 David has been involved with PSA. He has worked on two Regional Conventions including being program chairman in 1986. He has been PSA District Representative since 1985 and is in his second term as Chapter Vice-Chairman. He also has served as the Chapter photographer for nine years.
David has been an instructor of photography in the adult education system for more than 12 years and has enthusiastically encouraged many students to visit and join area camera clubs.
It is a wonder that David has time for more mundane activities as work with all the time he devotes to his love and hobby - photography. Today we, in a small way, repay him for his attention and devotion by honoring him as a Fellow of SCACC.
Fred Jobelman

Often we overlook the fact that SCACC has existed since 1950, and that some current members were around in the early days, working diligently behind the scenes. Fred Jobelman is one of those individuals.
Fred first became interested in photography in the 1960's, when, as a civilian employee at the North Island Naval Station, he was assigned to work in the photo lab. He bought an Argus camera, joined the North Island Camera Club, and soon had created some photographic murals that still grace the North Island Officers Club.
From 1969 to 1983, Fred was a member of the Photo Arts Camera Club, serving a number of years as its Color Chairman and holding several offices.
Due to his wife's illness, Fred opted for membership in daytime clubs, and helped establish the Tuesday Morning Workshop, is a charter member of the Daytime Camera Club and continues as one of its members.
For 8 years Fred was Building Chairman for the Photo Arts Building, organizing and participating in every building work party, painting the interior and he built the storage area for cleaning equipment. If anything went wrong in the building, a call went out to Fred who immediately came to the rescue. He purchased the building supplies and attended SCACC Board meetings to report on the facilities.
In another capacity, Fred was the Advertising Chairman for the SCACC Photo Flash under the editorships of both Ed Royce and Howard Lewis. He served as a judge during the early days of the SCACC lnterclub competition. The focusing slide in the projector in the Photo Arts Building, featuring two owls, is Fred's photo.
It is interesting to note that in November 1978, SCACC President Ed Royce appointed a committee to study the possibility of an honors program. Their goal was "to reward the many people in our association who have worked so hard on its behalf over the past years, and for those who will continue to work and show excellence as photographers." On that committee were Maude and Marguerite Elliott, Richard Van Nostrand and Fred Jobelman.
It seems fitting that after these many years of dedicated service, SCACC now has this opportunity to show its appreciation for his faithfulness by honoring Fred in this way.Jerry Rittenhouse

Her interest in the SCACC lnterclub Competition led her to being the recorder and assistant chairman for 5 years, followed by assuming the chairmanship for 6 years. For 3 years she co-chaired Tops-in-Color, which are SCACC's public slide shows.
Jerry again demonstrated her diligence when in 1985, 1986, and 1987 she co-chaired our annual Scott Watson Salon.
In 1980 and 1982 she served as treasurer of our Southwest International salons while also chairing the luncheon and banquet committees. Giving further support to the Southwest International, in 1988 she co-chaired the Nature Division and was vice chairman of the 1990 Salon.
Jerry has also involved herself in our PSA regional conventions at which she was a registration assistant in 1979 and host, tour leader and caterer for the 1986 regional. She also has been PSA Chapter historian for a 2-year terni.
Her involvement in activities in the clubs to which she belongs is continuous. At various times she has headed refreshment, program, banquet and competition committees.
Jerry has well served our association, and now it is time to honor her spirit and efforts in naming her to the Fellowship of SCACC.
Bob Rittenhouse

Bob Rittenhouse is another of our members who always seems to be at hand when there is a need, and there have been many over the years. Bob joined Poly Photo some 13 years ago and now additionally belongs to the Photonaturalists and Showmasters as well as being a 12-year member of the PSA San Diego Chapter.
Bob has assisted at our SCACC lnterclub competition for over 8 years as judge, equipment chairman, projectionist and general assistant. He has also served as co-chairman of Tops-in-Color for 3 years.
In 1979 he served on the committee of the PSA Regional Convention and in 1986 was its equipment chairman and a tour leader. In 1980 and 1982 he was a member of several committees of the Southwest International Salon and co-chaired its Nature Division in 1988. In 1985 Bob was co-chairman of the Color Division of the Scott-Watson Salon.
While being very active in PSA and SCACC sponsored events, Bob does not neglect the clubs to which he belongs. He has been a multi term president of Poly Photo as well as its vice president and has been treasurer of Photonaturalists. But he never fails to be satisfied with just holding an office or serving on a committee. Whenever or wherever there is a need Bob is at hand to lend his support. His attitude is to roll up his sleeves, dig in and get the job done.
It is with much satisfaction that we acknowledge Bob for his dedication by naming him Fellow of SCACC.
Jack Skimin

Back in the 1930's, Jack was a circus aerialist, who began to work comedy into his routines. This led to his becoming a professional clown. He still has his old make-up kit, and has modeled for camera clubs as a sad-faced clown on many occasions. One of his more recent appearances was the 1989 SCACC picnic.
From black and white photography, Jack expanded to color slides and in the 40's managed the first color film finishing lab in San Diego. He joined the Lens Art Camera Club in 1943, and has maintained continuous membership for some 47 years. He has served Lens Art as Color Chairman from 1977 to 1982; Vice President in 1951, 1966, 1973 and 1974; and President in 1949, 1975, 1976 and 1983.
Jack was the SCACC Vice President under Dick Angelo in 1972 and under Lillian Woods from 1975 to 1978. Those were the days when the City of San Diego was questioning SCACC's occupancy of the Photo Arts Building in Balboa Park and the extent of SCACC's contribution to the general public. As SCACC Vice President, Jack was beside Lillian Woods at the public hearings before the Parks and Recreation Board and the City Council arguing our case.
Among Jack's other contributions, he has chaired the Pictures in the Park program, a series of free monthly photographic presentations in Balboa Park from 1973 to 1977, as well as its successor, Tops in Color, in 1979.
Over the years Jack has served as a judge in both prints and slides for the Association. He is often an award winning photographer in club and SCACC competitions.
For those of us who are relative newcomers to SCACC offices and responsibilities, it seems appropriate to honor those who have again and again stepped into the breach of leadership. Such a person is Jack Skimin and we are truly grateful in recognizing him this day.
Barbara Nunez

Nancy Varga

Barney Weber

Barney Weber, a long-time member of the Vista and Fallbrook Camera Clubs, has held a variety of offices in each. His photographic eye has resulted in his being awarded many trophies and ribbons in local and SCACC competitions.
He has given rewarding demonstrations in photo duplication and hand tinting for visual improvement. With the cooperation of his wife, Marjorie, Barney has used his photographic skills in presenting an exceptional record of over 275 slide shows viewed by some 8500 people. All of the shows are masterfully photographed and narrated and are made available to all who ask. Residents throughout San Diego County enjoy the marvelous talents of this raconteur.
With such excellence in photographic show quality and dedicated service to people at large, Barney is an inspiring example, and thus, a great teacher. He continues to be a role model to aspiring students of photography who use his examples as springboards for their own creativity.
We welcome Barney Weber to the ranks of the Fellowship of SCACC
Charles Shortley

Chuck Shortley is a SCACC member who is always willing to take on a variety of responsibilities and always carries the tasks to a fruitful completion. Indeed, the list of his accomplishments for SCACC and its clubs in the past seven years of his membership is mind-boggling. Yet, he works so quietly and selflessly that much of his effort goes unheralded.
Chuck's SCA CC offices and chairmanships to date have included: Vice Chairman of Scott Watson in 1989; SCACC Interclub Chairman in 1990-91; Publicity Chairman for "Balboa Park Through the Camera's Eye" contest in 1990; Production Chairman for the Balboa Park slide show for use by Photo Arts Building hosts in 1989; and SCACC Fund Raising Committee Chairman in 1989.
Chuck has directed or assisted with the following improvements in the Photo Arts Building: installation of a drop ceiling covering the sky light in the hospitality room; installation of ceiling fans in the auditorium; construction and installation of club mail boxes in our building; construction and painting of a new audio-visual equipment cabinet; and performs constant small repairs when asked.
His other personal services to SCACC include: interclub judge, PSA Interclub judge, assisting for Scott Watson and Southwest International judging, and helping to form a teen-age camera club.
As a member of three SCACC camera clubs, Chuck has held the following offices: Daytime Club-Vice-President (Program Chairman) in 1987- 88, and President in 1989-'90; Photo Arts Vice President (Program Chairman) in 1990; and Showette Club Treasurer in 1991. In addition, Chuck built a large equipment inventory for the Daytime Club at minimal expense. As a labor of love, he provided hot coffee and refreshments for every Daytime Club meeting during his presidency.
In the 1940's Chuck joined the YMCA Camera Club in Minneapolis, and soon became the official photographer for the Boy Scout Troop sponsored by his church. He presents instructional programs for his church, photography classes and our clubs. He has also assisted in production of slide essays for use in the schools.
It is unlikely that Chuck's service to SCACC and San Diego is finished at this point, but it is appropriate that we recognize and thank him for his many accomplishments to date.
William E. Black

Bill Black's name is synonymous with "work" and his energies have been a force from which we have all benefitted. He joined the General Atomics photography club in the mid-seventies, soon became its president, designed a darkroom for them, and has continued steadfastly in his pursuit of excellence in photography.
Bill, over the past decade, has affiliated with Poly Photo, Showmasters, and Photo Naturalists. He has assumed offices and committee chairmanships in all of them, and pitched in for the heavy work wherever needed. In 1982 he joined the team to organize the Southwest International Exhibition. The Salon was suspended at the end of that year but he picked up the reins in 1986 to reinstate it, and has chaired it ever since.
When Bill became the vice president of SCACC, he decided that this was not to be an office merely to wait for an absentee president. Under his direction, the VP became chairman of the Scott Watson Salon, (which made Bill co-chairman for three consecutive years) and head of the Building Advisory Committee, which oversees the proper maintenance and repairs for our Photographic Arts Building. With the latter in place, many improvements and renovations were made, and Bill was usually in attendance at the work parties, fixing, painting and advising. With this work done, and a continuing eye on such needs and problems, we have a much more pleasant place in which to meet.
During Bill's presidency of SCACC, he helped create the FSCACC honors, gave instructional seminars and established a judging seminar, which was followed by several tutored practice sessions to help new judges gain confidence and skills, thereby increasing our judging pool. In 1991, he was one of the instructors for our most recent seminar.
Bill has been an area rep for PSA, and was the local chapter's photographer. Recently he answered the call to be the new PSA Zone Director. He currently is equipment chairman for SCACC's Photorama. This man has his own engineering consulting firm, and has traveled extensively in his work for General Dynamics, but still manages to chair Showmasters, be president of Poly Photo Club, assume chairmanship of the 1992 Southwest International, to give his excellent shows for Showmasters, and throughout Southern California, and most of us have had the opportunity of having him judge for us. He has set up judgings for PSA competitions to be held in our area, and has participated as an international salon judge.
It is because of the productiveness of people like Bill Black that we can keep our SCACC organization vital and working.
We have much for which to thank Bill, and let's hope he doesn't learn to say No!
Vivean J. Peller

Vivean can be happily described as indefatigable. If ever there was an incessant volunteer, it is she. Always with an eye and ear to problems, she enthusiastically seizes opportunities to implement innovative solutions, be it SCACC-related, club activities or her own personal photography. Viv's enthusiasm for and excellence in photography has directly led to a variety of committees and officerships. Her club service has included: president of the Daytime Camera Club plus its vice presidency; and secretary, treasurer and competition chairman of Photo Arts Camera Club. She has been SCACC secretary, vice president, and president, each for two terms. During those terms, she chaired the Scott Watson Salon, headed the Photographic Arts building committee and assisted in establishing judging seminars and the SCACC Fellowship program. During her 1990 to 1992 presidency, she instituted Photorama as a means of presenting entertaining and instructional programs. Also, she began special events to bring club members together. In a successful effort to improve interaction with North County clubs she initiated joint activities such as the SCACC picnic and the mountain workshop. Her out-reach program led to establishing Photo Expo and a public photography contest which contributed to celebration of Balboa Park's seventy-fifth anniversary in 1992.
Always willing to share her knowledge she has provided one-on-one photography orientations for new and prospective club members and conducted demonstrations for a wide variety of clubs.
Another of Viv's major areas· of contribution has been with the SCACC sponsored Southwest International Exhibition of Photography. Beginning as a committee worker, she proceeded to the office of secretary in 1988, followed by the PhotoJournalism Division Chairmanship in 1990, Color Division Chair in 1992, and is now preparing for the 1994 salon as General Chairman.
In summary, Vivean's enthusiastic, energetic and selfless service to our photographic community personifies the meaning and the raison d'etre of and for the Fellowship of SCACC.
Robert C. Peller

Bob is one of those quiet people who is always ready to support the Association and his clubs, and he has done so in many ways for many years. During our times of duress at the Photographic Arts Building he was the ever-present volunteer. A few of the tasks he led or assisted are: he led the painting and repair activities for the building; he helped build several cabinets for SCACC and Photorama equipment; and he installed our much-needed ceiling fans.
Additionally, hardly a SCACC-sponsored competition or Scott Watson Salon goes by without Bob's help as projector operator, score caller, scorer or equipment set-up. He more than does his share of hosting and cleaning the building. For the forthcoming Southwest International Bob will assume the tremendous job of sorting, typing and assembling the catalog.
Bob also has held offices in clubs of which he is a member. These include: President of Showettes (2 years), President of Lens Art (2 years), Secretary of Photo Arts (2 Years), and Treasurer of the Darkroomers (2 years) and he is currently Vice President in charge of Competition for Photo Arts, as well as Vice President in charge of Programming for Showettes. His willingness to hold offices such as these is proof that he is willing to accept responsibility for a club's well-being.
Presidents of the Association and member of its Board of Direcotrs for many years, have found that Bob has been "the man who is always there" when help of any kind is needed. He ia a most worthy candidate for FSCACC.
Patricia Windes

Pat is the kind of person every president needs as a right hand. When work is the busiest, she is there to do the hard work. Her answer is most always "Yes" to requests from others as well.
As an excellent Photographer, she shares her knowledge with others in a myriad of ways. Her "How-to" shows have been given to clubs throughout the county. If asked to give demonstrations, she meets the challenge, and most clubs in the association have benefitted from her work.
She has typed, painted, and filled in for jobs not covered. For two years, she was chairperson for "Tops in Color", has been Recording and Corresponding Secretary for Photo Arts, is past Secretary for Showettes, and just finished two successful years as program chairman for Daytime Camera Club. Her committee work for each club is too long to enumerate.
She has helped with most Scott Watson competitions and took on the responsibility of the Nature Division in '93. For the upcoming '94 Southwest International, she is also assuming the responsibility of the Nature Division Chairmanship.
Many difficult tasks are behind the scenes and unknown to the majority of members, but Pat is there without fanfare for the lowly jobs. She volunteers for cleaning and hosting our building, worked untold hours for the Mountain Workshop and the "Oh! Shoot!", and was there for us when we had the "How Does My Camera Work?" seminar to escort and instruct novice photographers .
Pat is a frequent judge for Interclub, as well as year end judging for Association clubs.
An admirable trait is to support the Association and its clubs by being in attendance at the various functions. She always attends the banquets, her club's meetings, and scheduled shoots to support others who have put forth the effort to provide those opportunities for us.
She is also a PSA Area Representative and worked on the information desk for the District PSA Convention held here.
She extends her willing hands to others, and is a most valuable "player"----one most worthy of an FSCACC designation.
Stephanie Strachan

Stephanie Strachan is one of our most recent members, but as soon as she joined a club of our Association, she assumed a leadership role.
She has been Vice President of SCA CC for two years and President for one. In Poly Photo she showed strong leadership as she piloted the club for two years, and encouraged new and fresh programming for her club. She initiated the Watts/SCACC Photo Contest in 1992 and was active in the contest to commemorate the Jubilee Anniversary of Balboa Park.
Steph has great interest in contemporary photography and assembled an "Oh Shoot" during her presidency of SCACC. She was the lowly, but hard laborer and co-chairman at the Mountain Workshop in the Laguna Mountains. She has manned booths and given shows at the Del Mar Fair, and helped with the judging seminars.
For the Southwest International, Stephanie was Multiple Entry Chairman in 1990 and 1994, and Chaired the Travel Division in 1992. In 1994 she also saw that all of our workers were fed by assembling a committee and preparing the food.
Besides Poly Photo, Stephanie belongs to Thursday Morning Workshop and Showmasters, and has given shows at the Pollock Auditorium for the latter club.
This lady's efforts reach far beyond our camera clubs. She has constantly been a liaison with MOPA and volunteered her time at their facility. Her efforts with the Management Office for Balboa Park reaps many advantages for all of us, because it is a pipeline that needs to be open for free communications.
Stephanie is ready to help wherever her talents are needed, and many clubs have benefited from her contributions.
The honor of FSCACC was readily bestowed upon Stephanie Strachan.
Lin Craft

The time is certainly appropriate to nominate Lin Craft for the Fellowship of SCACC. Lin joined the Fallbrook Camera Club in 1987. According to Lin, she had been utilizing her camera for scientific purposes since 1970, and had made acceptable reproductions of her subjects, but without artistic considerations. She said she had no real awareness of the elements of composition or their importance to good photography.
Lin was reared in Oregon, and gained her bachelors degree in Zoology at Oregon State University . Her interest in Marine Biology took her to Puerto Rico to pursue graduate studies and earn her masters degree. Lin later returned to the Caribbean a number of times to teach diving and Marine Biology courses ...
During this period of time, she says she "got her first good camera", and used it in her underwater explorations. Her interest in the underwater world led her to the doctoral program in marine biology at USC. She engaged in studies in the Antarctic, but while down there, suffered a serious back injury and had to drop out of school.
She said when she joined the Fallbrook Camera Club, she was surprised at the emphasis placed on composition, and felt she was fortunate to have Dr. Paul Kovach as a mentor. His emphasis in teaching was always on the importance of the artistic placement of subjects in the frame to create the most pleasing and exciting composition. From that point, Lin's growth made her a winning competitor in her club and in the International PSA salons. She has recently earned her first star in PSA Color, Nature, and Photo Travel. In the 1994 PSA Salon she was awarded the PSA Gold in Photo Travel, and also garnered an honorable mention.
Further injuries have slowed Lin down in her chosen occupation, but fortunately she finds time for SCACC, the community, and her Fallbrook club. She is serving her third term as president of the club, and has alternately held the vice presidencies for programs and selection of competition judges when not president. This lady travels all over the county to judge for us, and seems to have a ready smile and a '"yes" when asked to perform any job. She has chaired divisions in Scott Watson, has served on several of its committees helping other chairpersons, and this past year was chairman of the Photo Travel Division of the Southwest International Salon. Lin also presents shows whenever asked, and our own organizations have certainly benefited from her offerings. She presents programs to clubs, to our Photoramas, PSA chapters throughout Southern California, (twice to the LA Roundup), for the Showmasters in La Mesa, and for the Long Beach International Convention in 1987.
This very competent lady has been judging for five years and is much in demand for that responsibility, but diligently attends the judging seminars to improve her skills.
Lin was on the first committee act upon the nominations for FSCACC; so it is now the Association's privilege to have her join this honored group.
Dr. Bernard Arguss

Most of us know Bernard Agruss as "Bernie", a friend who has been on hand to help in any way in which he is needed.
Bernie has had an interesting past. The depression of the '30's meant no jobs for many men, even with a bachelor's degree. His chemical engineering training went calling for want of employment, but with a wife and child, Bernie took a variety of jobs. His masters degree in '34 didn't place him in his chosen field. In '37, Bernie became Dr. Agruss, which many of us may not know. He is a modest man, and tells little of his achievements.
Reacting as a proud father, he started taking pictures of his little daughter, and set up his own darkroom to develop black and white prints. Ultimately, employment eased, and he hired into National Lead, where his career took off in manufacturing, quality control and marketing. His expertise was developed in electro-chemistry, which was put to use in developing a "better battery".
Batteries were essential to the space program, and Bernie was there at the beginning of plans for our launches into space. He was also a part of the earliest concept of electric cars. His talents soon were sought after by a program started by President Johnson, and Bernie was sent to South Korea to help that developing country. As he said, all expenses were paid for him and his wife. They were able to travel throughout the Orient, and he has many trays of slides taken on these excursions.
China knew of him, and he was called to help set up plants and labs there, so his world travels have been extensive, and always recorded on film. As Dr. Agruss, he taught chemistry at the Naval Training Center in San Diego.
Finally the Agruss's settled on San Diego for their retirement. As a member Poly Photo, he held the presidency for two years and was treasurer. He also is a member of Tuesday AM Workshop.
This man had given his time to volunteer work at Sharp Cabrillo Hospital, and for years gave shows in retirement and convalescent homes to share his travels with their residents.
It is difficult to isolate contributions for this man, because of his varied background. He is a ready volunteer for all of us in SCA CC, Visit a competition venue, and you will see Bernie working with a smile. He is certainly worthy of this nomination of FSCACC.
L. Irene Lewis

Irene Lewis: synonymous with work, cooperation, diligence, trustworthiness, and friendliness. This lady has memberships in Photo Arts, Daytime Camera Club, Showettes. and the San Diego Amateur Movie Makers (with her husband, Howard).
If we listed the committees in which Irene has participated or headed, we would have a voluminous, overwhelming list. This lady is always early, and has projects started before the body of the organization gathers. She undoubtedly will stay to see that everything is tidy and suitable to leave after an event.
Irene played golf, and helped her husband Howard, FPSA, FSCACC work tireless hours for PSA and SCA CC. Irene was by his side assisting him where needed.
Luckily for most of us, Irene lay down her golf clubs, picked up a camera, and has ever since been hungry for learning her new craft and hobby. Artistic endeavors in her past have helped her in her artistic renditions of the photography medium. (She has taken courses in painting, pottery, and her great love-- caligraphy.) Her well-tended flower garden provides lovely flowers for her photographic subjects.
Irene has assumed committee chairmanships so many, many time;. to name a few--co-chairman of Scott Watson, Banquet Chairman several times for that event, as well as for Photo Arts. She has planned and worked pot lucks for all the clubs to which she belongs. If she isn't working with the food, she is creating decorations. Building cleaning days come along---there is Irene, probably ahead of everyone.
She has also taken on the responsibilities of office. Currently she is preident of Showettes. She finds pleasure in creating shows from her collection of slides and shares the shows with photography clubs and Masonic groups.
Some people are not afraid of work. They can sit down beside it and not flinch. Not Irene---she is in the middle of it, eliminating it.
FSCACC was created to say "Thanks!" to those who keep our organization active and moving ahead. Irene is there all the way and certainly deserves the designation.
Thomas Baxter
Tom Baxter: Tom has been an active member of the Photo Naturalist Camera Club for 15 years. He joined with his wife to learn about photography. He has become very good at Macro Photography and also does wonderful photographs of aquarium fish. Tom loves to share both his knowledge of photography and his joy in the beauty and variety in nature.
Tom has held various offices in the Photo Naturalist Camera Club, serving as president for 5 years, and membership chairman for several years.
In SCACC Tom has held many offices, he was Vice-President (Building) for 4 years. Sometimes he has assisted other building chairs with tasks that have gone above and beyond normal requirements. Tom was the Scott Watson General Chairman one year, has been the Nature Division Chairman for both The Southwest International Salon and the Scott Watson Salon. Tom is always willing to serve as a judge and has does a good job in all areas. He contributes thoughts at the judging seminars. Tom was the phone. contact for several years for the photo information that appeared in the local paper.
The sharing of techniques and knowledge plus the encouragement of other less experienced photographers is second nature to Tom. His commitment to furthering photographic knowledge and the betterment of all of the clubs in SCACC makes him a person much deserving of the thanks of SCA CC and deserving of the FSCACC award.