Article I – Name
- The name of the organization shall be: The Southern California Association of Camera Clubs, Inc., hereinafter known as “The Association.” [ORG NAME]
Article II – Purpose
- SCACC is organized exclusively to promote not-for-profit photographic education under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. This is accomplished through a Special Use Permit [SUP] with the City of San Diego, for use of the Photographic Arts Building [PAB], 1780 Village Place, San Diego, CA 92101 in Balboa Park. [ORG PURPOSE]
Article III – Membership, Dues and Requirements
- All not-for-profit camera clubs in San Diego County shall be eligible to apply for membership in SCACC. The application for membership in SCACC shall include a copy of the club’s bylaws and a list of all officers and contacts. [CLUB ELIGIBILITY & APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS]
- The SCACC Board of Directors (BoD) shall review each application for new club membership. Admission of the applicant may be approved by a majority vote of the BoD and a probationary period established. The president of the applying club shall be notified in writing of the action taken. Upon notification of acceptance, SCACC dues shall be collected and payable January 1. [APPLICATION PROCESSING & DUES PROCESS]
- Dues and fees for all member clubs shall be payable on January 1 reflecting memberships collected for the prior year and shall be considered delinquent after March 1. Dues and fees shall be structured and in an amount sufficient to maintain all the normal activities of SCACC. [DUES & FEES PROCESS & STRUCTURE]
- Any changes in the structure or amount of the dues shall be recommended to the BoD not later than the July meeting for such changes to be effective the following January 1st. The board must approve any changes by a majority vote of a quorum on the board not later than the September board meeting for such changes to be effective January 1. The member count of a club as of December 31st of the previous year shall be the basis for the dues assessed for each club that has regular meetings in the PAB. Clubs not utilizing the PAB shall be assessed a flat rate amount set by the BoD. [DUES & FEES STRUCTURE & CHANGE PROCEDURE]
- Failure of a member club to pay its dues and fees before March 1 shall cause the SCACC president to send a written notice of suspension to that club’s president. Suspension removes all privileges of SCACC membership, including the right to meet in the PAB. Upon written request and payment of delinquent dues plus a penalty of $25.00 or 5%, whichever is greater, the club may be reinstated by a majority vote of the BoD. [DUES & FEES FAILURE & REINSTATEMENT]
- Failure of a member club to abide by SCACC Bylaws or BoD approved rules and regulations, shall be subject to written warning from the SCACC president notifying the club president of the non-compliance issue. Given reasonable time for the club to resolve said issue, the SCACC president, shall recommend an act of club suspension to the BoD, where, upon majority vote, suspension will remove all privileges of SCACC membership, including the right to meet in the PAB. Upon written request to the BoD that includes discussion of actions taken to resolve said issue, the club may be reinstated by a majority vote of the BoD. [CLUB ADHERENCE TO SCACC BYLAWS]
- All member clubs shall develop and maintain a set of club bylaws, consistent with, and supportive of, the SCACC Bylaws, rules and regulations. An electronic version of each club’s current bylaws shall be provided to the SCACC secretary at the January SCACC meeting for the annual record. [CLUB BYLAWS REQUIREMENT]
- Each member club meeting in the PAB shall be responsible for hosting the building open house and performing normal cleaning tasks in accordance with established procedures and a yearly schedule established and published by the SCACC secretary. [RESPONSIBILITIES FOR HOSTING, CLEANING & SCHEDULES]
- The first instance of failure by a member club to perform the responsibilities specified in Article III, Section 8 shall cause the SCACC president to levy a $50.00 fine by written notice to that club president. The second instance of failure by a member club to perform such duties during a two-year period shall cause the SCACC president to levy a $100.00 fine and written notice of suspension. Suspension removes all privileges of SCACC membership, including the right to meet in the PAB. Upon written request for reinstatement and payment of the fine, the club may be reinstated by a majority vote of the BoD. [RESPONSIBILITY FAILURE, FINES, SUSPENSION & REINSTATEMENT]
- Each member club using the PAB shall be responsible for providing updated information to SCACC for the website in order to provide timely and accurate information to the public and the other clubs. The SCACC website,, calendar shall be the primary de-confliction mechanism for clubs to request additional PAB use, or to change their scheduled use of the PAB. Failure to submit a timely and proper request for PAB use of an open time slot may be overridden by a subsequent proper request. [RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PAB USE & SCACC WEB PRESENCE SUPPORT]
Article IV – Officers
- The elected Officers of SCACC shall be the president, first vice-president-programs, second vice-president-building, secretary and treasurer. Each officer shall be an active member in good standing of at least one SCACC club. [DEFINITION OF OFFICERS]
- The president shall have general supervision and administration of SCACC affairs, preside at all meetings, appoint committees and assume an active leadership at all times. The president will be the liaison with the appropriate San Diego City representative(s) to ensure proper implementation of the SUP and any additional written or verbal communications. In the event of a vacancy in any other office, the president shall fill that position by appointment, with BoD approval, for the unexpired term. [PRESIDENT DUTIES]
- The first vice-president-programs shall coordinate programs related to SCACC events, including workshop hosting held at the PAB. The first vice-president-programs shall preside at meetings of SCACC in the absence of the president and shall assume the position of president should that office become vacant. The first vice-president-programs shall assist the president in appointing members to all committees, and shall assist those committees in their duties and report all committee progress to the president. [1st VICE-PRESIDENT-PROGRAMS DUTIES]
- The second vice-president-building shall work with the president on building issues and be in charge of the light maintenance and the upkeep of the PAB. The second vice-president-building shall preside at all meetings of SCACC in the absence of the first vice-president-programs and of the president. The second vice-president-building shall assist the first vice-president-programs and the president in appointing members to all committees, and shall assist those committees in their duties and report all committee progress to the president. [2nd VICE-PRESIDENT-BUILDING DUTIES]
- The secretary shall keep accurate records of all correspondence and the minutes of all meetings of SCACC. The secretary shall prepare annual schedules of PAB hosting and cleaning assignments for member clubs meeting in the PAB, as well as schedules for gallery wall photo displays. The secretary shall perform such additional duties as may be assigned from time to time by the president or BoD. [SECRETARY DUTIES]
- The treasurer shall collect dues and assessments and act as custodian of all funds of SCACC. The treasurer shall pay all bills for expenditures authorized by the BoD, maintain financial records of all receipts and expenditures subject to audit, file an annual financial report with the City of San Diego SUP point of contact, assist the president in maintenance of IRS 501(c)(3) status, and file the California Exempt Organization Annual Information Statement (Form 1998) with the California Franchise Tax Board on a timely basis each year. Fiscal year shall be from January 1 through December 31. [TREASURER DUTIES]
- Officers shall serve from April 1 through March 31. [OFFICER SERVICE YEAR]
- At the regular meeting of the board of directors in January of each year, a committee consisting of three SCACC members shall be appointed by the president and approved by the board of directors for the purpose of nominating candidates for officers for the coming year. The report of the nominating committee shall be submitted to the president by February 1. At that time the president will notify the board of all candidates. Voting will take place at the March meeting. [NOMINATING COMMITTEE ESTABLISHMENT & DUTIES]
Article V – Board of Directors [BoD]
- The BoD of SCACC shall be composed of the president of each member club and the officers of SCACC. If the president of a member club is unable to attend board meetings, the club president shall appoint a representative who shall keep the president informed of all SCACC actions and shall vote on behalf of the member club. [BoD COMPOSITION]
- The BoD shall have full powers and authority over the affairs of SCACC; shall vote on applications for club membership and shall facilitate plans for competitions, seminars and joint activities of the member clubs. [BoD POWERS & DUTIES]
- The BoD, led by the president, shall maintain relationships with the City, specifically addressing the City’s SUP, including additional written and verbal communications. [BoD CITY RELATIONSHIP]
- The meetings of the BoD shall be held on the time and day of the month as agreed upon by standard vote of the BoD. Special meetings may be called by the president to conduct urgent or unusual business. [BoD MEETINGS]
- A quorum shall consist of at least fifty percent of the BoD. [BoD QUORUM]
Article VI. – Parliamentary Authority
- The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall constitute the parliamentary authority and procedures for SCACC. [RULES OF ORDER]
Article VII – Amendment of Bylaws
- Proposed amendments to SCACC bylaws may be submitted at any regular or special meeting of the board of directors. All directors shall immediately be notified in writing of the proposed amendment(s). [BYLAW AMENDMENT SUBMITTAL]
- Such amendments may be adopted by a majority vote of at least a quorum of the BoD at their next regular meeting following such written notification. Any director unable to attend the meeting may send a proxy to cast a vote for that member club. [BYLAW AMENDMENT ADOPTION]
- SCACC shall maintain itself as an exempt organization under the Non-Profit Law of the State of California and Federal IRS 501(c)(3). [SCACC NON-PROFIT/TAX EXEMPT]
- SCACC shall be an association of not-for-profit camera clubs requiring each member club to maintain bylaws that reflect their not-for-profit charter and ensure their financial transparency. [SCACC NOT-FOR-PROFIT MEMBER CLUBS]
- Upon dissolution of SCACC, the PAB shall be returned to the City of San Diego under the conditions specified in the most recently executed SUP. [RELINQUISH PAB TO CITY P&R]
- Upon dissolution of SCACC, under direction of the BoD, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. [SCACC ASSET DISTRIBUTION]
- Upon dissolution of SCACC, all former associated clubs are released from all SCACC conditions and services. [SCACC CLUBS]
- A committee to audit the finances of the association shall be appointed by the president, with the advice and consent of the BoD. [AUDIT COMMITTEE]
- This committee shall conduct an audit of SCACC finances annually, and present the audit in writing at the first monthly BoD meeting of the in-coming administration. [AUDIT RESPONSIBILITY]
- This committee shall be appointed no later than February 10 of each year and be considered a “standing committee”. [AUDIT COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT]
Revised and approved by the Board of Directors September 6, 2016
SCACC is a 501(c)3 509(a)(2) Public Charity and is Incorporated as a California Non Profit Organization